Transcription and explanatory commentary of June Diary
4 pages of Horse Racing in Ms. form
5 pages of Cricket Reports transcribed

1 MONDAY . 0. Total Eclipse of Moon
Inated by Malton Rained a little in the morning - got wet -
Worked hard at the diary - Went to Linney's Charlotte left
us about 3 or 4 o'clock for Lincolnshire. Caroline and Carry
came to stay with us a little before they got into their pwn
house. Zanzio wife and daughter had tea with us - the
young lady played rather well. Read Peveral .
Still very hot - Went to Wisden's at the club and Kensington Gardens - great row among the servants - disgraceful
Taylorson gave George a buster in the eye because he had
been insolent - tried some new clothes
Very hot indeed - had luncheon and tasted wines (sherries)
at Henry Lindow's. came to one or two conclusions about
the row.
At the match Surrey v Yorkshire at the Oval. Surrey made
a tremendous score of 315 though the bowling of Yorkshire
was first rate - a tremendous storm Caroline and Carry left
As I feared it turned out a very wet day - warm showers - I
did not attend the Oval - but the match proceeded Yorkshire getting 143 for 5 wickets
Showers and sunshine at the Oval - a great interuption but
I staid until 4 o'clock or nearly - Yorkshire out they did not manage to finish the match as they had - but Surrey's 2nd
innings was only 60 Minnie, Sophy and Carry and I went to
Covent Garden The wine vinegar Tietiens & Guiglini
delicious all the acting was good
Malton's to his great delight - rained in continual showers-
at the Barnards 44 Upper Seymour Street - had tea saw
Mr. B. Wrote diary very hard
Met Mrs. ???? Did not even try to go to Lords - luncheoned
at club - Douglas's With Minnie and Miss G. to Drury Lane
Last Act of Traviata Tiecolmini? beautiful - Opera - Figllia
del Regginmento
June 1st
Eclipse of the moon noted. The moon phases are noted in the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden
June 2nd
Again at Wisden's
June 4th 5th and 6th
This match was the first Yorkshire against Surrey match and was played on the 4th 5th and 6th of June 1863.
The match was drawn. There is an extensive report of this match later.
June 6th
Tietiens is Therese Tietjiens and Guiglini is Antonio Giuglini both opera singers of the day.

JUNE 1863
Rained in the morning and was then fine all day - glass
rising - After doing a good deal of diary - I walked up to Wisden's and had some chat with him - Minnie did not
come home till late as she went to Madame Campagna's
about the Amateur Theatricals -
Went to Wisden's - people to luncheon - Minnie and they
went to see the uncovering of the Memorial of 1851 Dread crush of carriages walked up with Minnie and left her at
Farm street - Dick arrived from abroad.
11 THURSDAY. St.Bar .
At the Oval - Rained a little in the morning Surrey v Sussex
Fine hitting of the former good fielding of the latter- went to Wisden's with Dick - but he was not at home - to the
Alhambra - singing good - Tumblers? the same
At the Oval - Played up to dinner time but not much after it I came away in disgust at the weather - Sussex seemed to have a very fair team & Hodson a very good player - & more letters - banking book came home - found I had overdrawn-
the project of going abroad given up
Glass rising - went up to the Oval - Later fine day - all out
but one at dinner time - one shower interrupted the play -
but the match was finished in favour of Surrey - in one
innings by 68 runs
14.S. 2 AF TRIN
Glass rising - Took my stroll in the Kensington very
pleasant Johnny and Briggs also Carry dropped in. Dick
went into town- I did a good deal of diary - the Grueber
again - Old Lovinger called and stayed a long time - found
the affair pecunary kindly and liberally settled by Mr. B. and Dick. met Larry Birch in the Park or Kensington Gardens rather
At the match - Dick went with me at Oval) by Westminster
(bus) Surrey v 14 Hampshire - Surrey well matched - later
fine and almost cricket weather parted with Dick at the
Oval - getting home rather late - had no faith in the weather tho' the glass was not bad -
At the Oval - slow rain all day - came away early as it did
not look like leaving off - I was wrong to leave - as it
cleared afterwards- Surrey 2nd innings got 249 with 6
wickets down - the players carried on in a slow rain - very
far from pleasant
June 9th
Wisden's (again)
June 10th
The memorial of 1851 is the Memorial to the great exhibition of 1851 and it depicts Prince albert. It was originally installed in the RHS gardens in 1863
June 11
Went to Wisden's again but this time with Dick. It would appear that F.E.C.Elwes was not the only member of his family who knew Wisden. Highly likely if indeed Wisden and George Parr were guests in late December on the Egton shooting estate as the January Summary page 22 of the shooting season diary would indicate.
Dick was coming to the end of his tenancy of Aislaby Hall Aislaby and Aislaby is most probably where they all stayed.
The Alhambra was a popular theatre and music hall in 1863
Although St. Barnabus 's day is not recorded in the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden many other saints days are.
June 16th
Note the phase of the moon. The moon phases are recorded in the 1864 first edition of Wisden
June 15th "
By Westminster ( bus) " In the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden is a short piece about the clock at Westminster

Fine day - at the Oval - conclusion of the match in favour
of Surrey by 158 runs - Minnie called for me in Fabricotti's carriage and horses and took me home. We dined at the Waters - a very nice party it was - good dinner and capital wine and a most pleasant party - The host talked more
than any man I ever saw and most amusingly.
At the Oval- Surrey v 14 of Cambridge - The county only
got 109- the bowling of Hope Grant & Collins capital - Cambridge got over 100 for 3 wickets - Lyttleton and Grey doing the business - Lyttleton ought to have been ct. by Teddy Dawson for very little -
Poured with rain all the morning - but began to clear afterwards - and I walked up to the Oval. I found Lyttleton
just out for 101 - They did not go on till about a 1/4 to 2
when the ground had dried up - Our little "let off" went off
very well - Charlotte sang divinely and Miss Cromton?
very well - Longford? and Bentham very good. Waters
kept me up late.
Saw the conclusion of the most one sided match I ever
saw- 14 winning in one innings and Heaven knows how
many runs - Wandered about - dined at the Club Miss
Smith came - glass rising
21. S. 3 AFT TRIN.
Wrote diary very hard - desparately hot - took my
afternoon stroll & smoke at the Kensington - Johnny
Briggs and Carry called - Car. staid to dine - Met L. B. in
the Kensington Gardens.
Walked about - then to Lords - capital ring - fine hot day - Oxford v Cambridge. Never saw worse batting on all
sides - Luncheon with the ex hussar - fielding and
bowling - I believe was better - the Oxford bowling
certainly was - but I missed the first innings of Cambridge
a poor 59 - Oxford 59 - No play at all Minnie at Zanzi's
Hottest day I ever saw - did a deal of Diary - Capt
Lambert- Ally's Indian friend called - I liked him much -
Had heavy tea at 44 Upper Seymour Street - after going to
the Club - Payne's about the silver watch and a pipe with Wisden - came home late and very much done with heat
- at Douglas's - Oxford beat Cambridge by 8 wickets.
June 17th
Elwes may have been a member of the Oval as well as Lords
June 19th
"our little let off"
Charlotte is either his sister or more likely Charlotte Barnard wife C.C.B. given that Charlotte sang divinely and Charlotte Barnardwas the composer Charlotte Alington Pye
Bentham is especially interesting in its banality. The Almanack section of the first edition of Wisden 1864 entry for June 6 reads Jeremy Bentham the jurist d. 1832. One might well have wondered on what criteria Bentham like George Crabb earlier should be included in this Almanack. The above entry; banal connection as it is; is still a connection.
Why Bentham like Crabb and many other entries should be included as an entry for is a mystery unless of course the Almanack section is in part at least the creation of Elwes. If it is the case that Elwes produced some of the Almanack section in the 1864 first edition of Wisden then there is a reason albeit banal for the inclusion of Bentham.
June 23rd
In relation to "Capt. Lambert - Ally's Indian friend " Who either Ally or Capt. Lambert were is unknown. The Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden contains the dates of 2 Indian battles. One that took place during the First Anglo Sikh War and the other during the Second Anglo - Sikh War
January 28 The Sikhs defeated at Aliwal by Sir Harry Smith 1846
December 22 Battle of Ferozashah 1848
There is no shortage of battles throughout the time of the British in India, some very famous, ie. Cawnpore, Lucknow, Agra... 2 were chosen. Possibly they were battles Capt. Lambert Ally's Indian friend fought in.

Another very hot day - Briggs and Johnny came down took
a stroll - dined at Upper Seymour Street - and went with Briggs and his friend to Amateur Theatricals at the Bijou
Theatre, first piece Plot and Passion
The thunderstorm had cleared the air and rendered it was cooler but hot by turns - wrote diary to a much later hour than I imagined - Hunter called and we chaffed Minnie at seeing her in her theatrical dress - in which she had been photographed for the use of her friends. Did a few odds and ends and went to the Oval quite forgetting my luncheon. I suppose from the heat - but finding it was nearly 7 o'clock I got some cold meat - storm Rugby v Cheltenham rainier in morning at Rugby
Hot very - after writing a great deal of back diary - I went
into town - got some tobacco from Hudson's left my watch
at Payne's - at Boss and Houghton's - Laurence Peel with
us and we gave him a bed for the night
Walked about for want of something better to do - we all dined at 61/2 Minnie going to Levasseurs and I took Miss Smyth to the Italian opera Covent Garden - pit stalls Pierce Marta Patti divine - both in beauty and singing - Munro a little hoarse - but acting exquisite - best thing I had seen this year. The stalls were the kind gift of my friend Mr. Zanzi
Wrote out a great deal of diary. Johnny came down just about luncheon time consultation whether we should go to Richmond or not - weather looking doubtful - we did drive down Johnnie the whip - we had a most capital dinner
principally of fish & Moselle cup- the scenery about
Richmond the foliage was beautiful - This was Johnnie's treat. Nice drive back
29. MONDAY. Qr sessions. commence
To Lords - Gentleman v Players - fine day - players got 231 - Hayward got 112 in the most exquisite style - with one difficult chance Traill and Voules bowled splendidly - the general fielding was excellent - Gentleman 87 for 6 wickets - Lyttleton 28 Benthall 27- Daniel, Grace and De Gray were unlucky - Tarrant almost unplayable - came home in afternoon with Sir Arthur and Katie Bullen had tea with us Initiated Miss Smyth into croquet
Went up to Lords after luncheon - match over and far away
for the players entailed two cats Minnie and I dined with the
Mill's a neighbour of me - capital dinner & nice part - Holman Hunt was there and most amusing - A Mr. and Mrs. Follett both nice people and the lady handsome - Mrs. Mills a most charming person - her I had met before
June 25th
Rugby v Cheltenham refers to a schools cricket match between 2 public schools. A few schools cricket reports appear later including one for this match. If one is looking for the initial source for including schools cricket in later Wisdens by Wisden and or his editor here it is. There are full match reports for a few schools matches to come.
June 29th
A match report for this Gentlemen v Players match appears later
Who Miss Smyth may have been is unknown. Croquet was becoming a very popular game in the early 1860's and Elwes may have been the person who introduced the game to Scotland. There is a later diary entry for playing croquet in Scotland towards the end of the July diary. So far as can be ascertained this is the earliest reference so far ( 3 Oct 2019. Earlier ones have since been found)
June 30th
Holman Hunt A still appreciated famous artist of the day .

The transcribed report below of horse racing in Chantilly is the only horse racing report that will be transcribed. There are reasons for this transcription
1) Firstly it shows some further interest in and knowledge of France by Elwes. Enough to suggest that Elwes rather than Wisden may have been the source for the many French entries in the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden
2) There is an entry for the death of the Duke of Orleans in the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden that reads July 13 Duke of Orleans killed 1842 and it was the Duke of Orleans who owned the stables at Chantilly racecourse.
3) It makes for an interesting report in a way that does not otherwise exist. It is perhaps how racing reports could have developed had there been a Wisden and editor in the horse racing world.
The day was Sunday - but we all know that is the day that the Parisians seek for amusement- They have gone into racing for some time & have given employment to a vast amount of English riders and Jockeys - several Frenchmen have horses in England - Paris was so crammed with people - that even two days before the race - it was impossible --- It will be a long time before they learn the art of the jockey or the mysteries - of training- and their best horses are English blood- a great number of English nobleman and racing gentleman as well as a great portion of the ring men - as Jackson Steele & - Two or three less important races took place but of good round sums - inc. of 2000 f (francs) won by M. Fousquet bt (beat) Bonne d'enfant by the Flying Dutchman out of a French mare - The next of 4000 f. by Mr. H. Lund's bt l'Adventurie by Monarique out of Constance - one of 6000 f. won by M.Jennings bt Don Juan by the Baron out of Pomare
THE GRAND PRIX DE PARIS An object of art given by the Emperor added to a 100,000 f. - half given by the city of Paris half given by the five great railway companies of France - For 3 yrs old of all countries - Entrance 1000 f- 600 ft 500 only if declared. Second received 10,000 f. out of the stakes 110 lb (pounds weight) each 2 miles - 89 subs - of whom 68 declared forfeit
I will not transcribe the list of horses and starting prices and breeding history

SURREY V YORKSHIRE Oval . June 4th & ​
Drawn from wet - the last day Saturday - it could not be called cricket - The wicket that Street the umpire for Surrey pitched was a much better one than that they played on - what made the Yorkshire object no one can conceive - On Thursday - Surrey gave a fine exhibition of batting - Mortlock, Griffith and Dowson, played in a masterly way making the most wonderful drives. I believe Mortlock got one 6 - two 5's and - Griffith something Cesar and Caffyn also showed their excellence. The bowling was really good for some time but the fielding rather loose. Mr. Ward resigned the wicket (keeper) after a short time. Stephenson pulling on the gloves. Mr Ward being rather out of practice his fielding was excellent- Caffyn was bowled off his legs he made a drive and leg hit for 4 and several 2's - mostly cuts - Cesar made one or two very fine cuts and leg hits. The innings occupied nearly the whole day - Whale who bowled very fairly and played for Fred Burbridge who had hurt his hand. Griffith had unfortunately sprained his shoulder and could only bowl underhand - most unfortunate as he was in the cue again. Friday was a most showery day. The interruptions were frequent but rain runs in quicker at the Oval than any ground I ever saw though Fenners and the Southgate are wonderfully good that way - Surrey managed to get 5 wickets of Yorkshire for 143- Berry, Rowbotham played very well - E. Stephenson magnificently -- On Saturday= Anderson and Stephenson resumed their wickets Caffyn and J Whale bowling . Caffyn seemed to be bowling very well and most people could see no good in changing him - Miller certainly got a wicket- Stephenson's but it was a very fine leg hit, capably caught by Griffith - Anderson had a most narrow escape he got under a ball which mounted towards Caffyn. - the sun was in his eyes - and I suppose he got dazed as he did not see where the ball was at all - Anderson also gave one or two other upper ones- however his 46 was fine from the style there being drives and leg hits - Ward played a most artistic innings of 22, he generally does - Stephenson's however was the innings of the side - he hit all round in the most capital style , in fact he never played better in his life - The Yorkshire tail of bowlers were soon disposed of - a tremendous storm of rain interrupted the play - but they got them out before dinner altho another storm came on I believe but it was storm and sunshine alternately - all the rest of the day and the wicket must have been mere slops. Mortlock, Caesar, and Miller getting into two figures with great difficulty. I was sorry to hear that one of the Cambridge matches the one at Cambridge was not to be played - I am afraid that the "Row " this year has had something to do with it - Burrup has a deal to answer for - For analysis see page
*This was the first match between Yorkshire and Surrey

** There is an entry in the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden at the foot of the page for October which reads
"Electric Telegraph invented 1837 "
Bell's life reports this match most shamefully. J.Perkins I conclude must have in a score of 67 must have made some fine hits (and it is not the first fine innings he has made this year. Newman's 26 consisted of 4 fours - a 3 - a 2 & J.Perkins fine innings comprised five 4s - four 3's five 2's - but we are not told what the hits were - he was the last wicket down - H.Perkins - made three 4's two 3's three 2's & - Carpenter Tarrant and Hayward- figures were not given - at all - Cornwell not out 1. Fryer, having lost one eye, from an accident, lost his wicket in the first over. Then the brothers Norton got together - and added freely to the score Bennett got 13 - Wilsher and Kelson's wickets fell for little on Friday - Wenman and Mr. Davison and by fine batting took the score to 104 - Biron and Walker with Goodhew not out with 12 obtained. Kent followed - B.Norton & Goodhew Tarrant and Hayward bowling - one wicket no run _ Fryer with Goodhew increased the score to 30 when Bell came on Fryer played steadily for his 15 At dinner time - Goodhew who played capably for 48 runs total 79- Weather windy and cold but without much rain. They were soon interrupted and it was frequently afterwards stopped - On Saturday Cambridgeshire went on for 91 - Weather was fine and wickets were dry 4 to 1 against Kent - D.Hayward soon fell to Bennett - Carpenter's wicket then went for 28 - Mr.J. Perkins then punished the slows together with Hayward 50 were **telegraphed when Perkins was missed at wicket And Fryer took his bowling place - 9 more were added - and Hayward ran in and left Fryer at the mercy of the wicket keeper. In consecutive overs when 61 had been scored both these wickets were disposed of - Newman and Bell filled the vacancies - the latter played a fine over of Willsher's but was caught by the wicket keeper - Willsher then floored Newman and no further stand was made - Perhaps because of the magnificent bowling of Willsher the Cambridge players took liberties with Bennet's slows, but they paid the penalty - the wickets went down fast. The colt Smith showed a some good defence 7 played well for his 8 - Wickets fell - 6th - 62 7th Newman's 70 - 8th and 98th Diver and Smith's - Cornwell then joined J.Perkins made 2 singles and a very fine square leg hit from the slows Wenman was placed exactly for it. Kent thus won their first great county match by 16 runs . Willsher and Bennett each received a handsome complement for their excellent bowling - Goodhew having received a liberal reward for his batting on the previous day - which was truly magnificent - Played at Mote Park / Maidstone Thursday and the next days June 4th - 5th - 6th
M.C.C. & Ground v Sussex Lords June 8th - 9th - M.C.C. 145 - Bignall 49 W. Nicholson 26 Capt. Parnell 26 - Stubberfield 3 Lillywhite Jun 9 - - & Wisden 2 wickets Sussex 36 and 56 Ellis 10 and 8 Stubberfield 12 and Byes 6 8 and 12 Wooton and Grundy bowled right through and were quite unplayable ON THAT WET execrable wicket - M.C.C. won by Inns. & 52 runs.

SURREY V SUSSEX - OVAL JUNE - 11 - 12 - 13th
Surrey winning in an innings by 68 runs - Thursday June 11 was a beautiful day - and surrey with her usual luck won the toss - I need not say how magnificent was the hitting - Mortlock distinguished himself by putting on in the most magnificent way - cuts, drives and leg hits - Dowson got 87- in equally good style - with one chance at 79 - one drive of Mortlock's for 6 was about the finest I ever saw - Caffyn played brilliantly while he was in. wells at point by his excellent fielding spoiled a great many of his cuts - Caesar - showed much good play in his 25. Sewell put on 12 in his ugly style - Griffith was well caught at mid wicket - a good smart drive. I think young Lillywhite bowled the best - he was a little high perhaps but "Jemmie Dean" warned him and Smith- also - Stubberfield bowled well at times- but there was nothing very killing in it on such a wicket with such fine hitters . The fielding of Sussex was most creditable. Ellis never had a chance at the wicket but no man could take it much better. Mr Hodson fielding in the most beautiful style and indeed most of them did their work very well. John Lillywhite long stop was capital. 3 or 4 was the tally- Sussex took the bat Mr Hare and Filliery- Caffyn and Griffith bowling Hale soon ran up 21 in his usual plucky way - Filliery also played wrell and made a capital cut for 3 - when time was called Hale had been well caught by Caffyn from Griffith 43 runs being on the Telegraph** (see above) for one wicket - not so bad - On Friday The rain had not improved the ground - and the wicket was rather heavy - Filliery and Wells took their places - to the bowling of Mortlock and Caffyn - Filliery was caught a neat catch by Lockyer - 2 wickets - 43 - Smith came and Wells forgetting unfortunately that he had a man to run for him got run out- 3 wickets for 48 - Ellis now came - The score was run up to 54
when the rain set in and no more play took place - On Saturday the day was more favourable and the Sussex by some capital hitting put a score of 161 on paper- Smith, Ellis, Hodson played beautifully & John Lillywhite was a perfect wall of steadiness Stubberfield - Stubbs (as Hodson ) called - Hit away like blazes - several bowlers were tried - Mortlock's twisting slows were most effective. Miller did pretty well - the fielding all round could not be excelled - Dowson's catch at leg was a thing to see. Lockyer was himself indeed - I must add that the wicket was as good as ever - the ground being so good and absorbing so much rain. Griffith tried his under hand but without effect - at dinner time they got them all out - after dinner - Hale and John Lillywhite took the wickets. Miller bowled the former completely off his leg. Tiny (Wells) played well and made one or two real good hits but was not at home with Miller and Mortlock's lobs. Fillery was run out by a magnificent piece of fielding off Burbridge and Lockyer Ellis was unfortunately easily caught by Mortlock off his own bowling - Tiny got well stumped by Lockyer off one of Mortlock's twisters, the wickets now were falling fast and the Sussex men played against time - Lillywhite (John) steadily keeping up his wicket - and punishing the right balls - Griffith then took the ball and attempted round arm bowling - he sent some good overs and then wisely took himself off - I suppose his arm hurting him - Stephenson also tried a few overs and gave 3 wides and then retired sending a man to field for him a debauch over night having given him a sick head ache. Sewell was lucky enough to get John Lillywhite's wicket but did not by any means bowl well on the whole. It was about this time that Surrey conceived they had a chance of the match - it was a matter of time - They wisely did what they should have done before,

*Could the idea that Wisden felt himself insulted by Burrup have come straight from the horses mouth so to speak
put on Caffyn who after a few not very first rate overs got his hand in and they could do nothing with him a storm seemed imminent and it came - but cleared up - Baynes got 13 in very pretty style - out Caffyn was excellent in his bowling - and floored him - Stubberfield was the last wicket and Lockyer caught him off Caffyn - he made a move or two - Southerton was floored very soon - Finishing the match within a few moments of the time (half past seven ) - must be attributed to the splendid fielding of everybody - Burbridge Dawson and Caesar (at point) greatly distinguished themselves - I never saw so few chances missed - or so few runs lost -the wicket was not quite so good, but certainly? play went on and the wet ball went against the bowling and fielding --- Whether I shall ever get an analysis I dont know - Bell's Life at all events not volunteering - Wisden's abscence gave offence but I fancy only slight to some of the Sussex gentleman - he considered himself insulted by Burrup*ANALYSIS OF SURREY vYORKSHIRE SURREY Hodgson 228 b . 96 r 17 mo 4 wkts and 104b 27r - Slim 180b 83r 13m.o. 2 wkts and 104b 30r 14 m.o. 5 wkts - 1 wide - Atkinson 1st inns 148 b 68 r Iddison 32 b 26 r 1st inn s Berry 176 b 26 r 8 m.o. 4 wkts ( I forgot to mention that Hodgson got 13 m.o. & 5 wkts in the second inns) I think his analysis - is the best - Berry the next - Slim did well in the second inns- but they were greatly indebted to Stephenson whose wicket keeping was magnificent - YORKSHIRE Caffyn 180 b 72 r 17 m.o. 2 wkts - Whale 184 b 94 r 15 m.o. 3 wkts Griffith 56 b 32 r 1 m.o. 3 wkts (underhand) Sewell 72 b 34 r 7 m.o. 1 wkt 2 wides F. Miller 72 b 17 r 6 m.o. 1 wkt 1 wide Nothing can be said of the analysis very much. Miller seems to have been less hit. - a great deal maybe said in defence of the bowling viz. the wet ground which I think tells as much with the out men as the batsmen - a wet ball is bad to handle either to bat or field with - I wonder Mortlock was never put on
OXFORD V SOUTHGATE Oxford June 8th 9th & 10th -
SOUTHGATE 124 and 88 V.Walker v39 and 2 H.D.walker 26 and 18 H.Perkins not out 17 & 18 (not out 1st inns) - C.D.Marsham 16 and 8 Plowden 0 and (not out) 14. The general Oxford bowling seems to have been good by the analysis which I have no room to subjoin. Dan ???? appears to have got 3 wickets - his analysis is good - F.G. Inge 1 wicket but cost too many runs - Scott and Teape seem to have bowled very fairly in the first innings - each got a wicket at a small price - In the second innings Inge and Teape and Daubeny - Teape with the best average - 112 b 36 r - 3 wkts Daubeny 100 b 35 r 6 wkts very good but I prefer Teape (Eton ) Inge 12 b 3 r 1 m.o. 2 wkts (good a lucky change) - OXFORD ST INNS. 197 - R.A.Mitchell 54 - S.C. Voules 39 H.E.Bull 34 Garnier 12 Teape not out 16
Remarks The Southgate team were very weak missing several of their best hands had no players - 12 players were allowed on each side - V.E. and R.D. Walker were the principal contributors. Teddy's inning contained 7 3's all drives. Marsham and Perkins H. played well for their runs the latter carrying out his bat - Of Oxford the three big wickets fell for nothing to what they should - a brilliant catch of Miller's disposing of Garnier for 12 R.D Linton fell to the same Plowden served Wright the same. But a change occurred H. Bull and Mitchell got together and put all the bowlers on- V.E. and R.D Plowden Marshall and Miller all trying their hands when 100 was score. Bull was bowled by C. D. Marsham and Inge was caught by R.D. immediately - at long leg a good catch Mitchell then retired for 54 including two 6's three 3's two 4's & and on Wednesday the innings was resumed - Voules played a very fine innings of 39 and well assisted by F. Evans - Daubeny and Teape the latter bringing out his bat - 197 the tally - Southgate made a poor stand in the second innings - the ground playing anything but well, from frequent showers - Messers Plowden, R. D. Walker and H. Perkins did their best but, the last wicket fell for 83 - Dawson did nothing, he who played two such fine innings in Yorkshire v Surrey and directly after this match in Surrey v Sussex - C. D. Marcham showed the best in the bowling analysis 138 b 34 r 17 m.o. 1 wide 4 wkts Plowden 104 b 50 r 10 m.o. 2 wkts R.D. Walker 98 b 28 r V. E. no use Miller 116 b 445 r 10 m. o. 3 wkts Oxford had evidently the best of the wicket . In 2nd innings Garnier scored (not out) 3 Linton not out 9 thus winning easily by 10 wickets - very few extras in this match. This Oxford seems a skill team and will give their "Sister" all there time Debauney's bowling and Haygarths ( Is he a relative of the Haygarth wicket keeper) very much admired
Caffyn 100b 25r 14m.o. 1wkt and 48b 158r 5m.o. 3wkts Griffiths 52b 27r 5m.o. 1wkt and 28b 5r 5m.o. Mortlock 132b 46r 10m.o. 4wkts and 112b 28r 10m.o. 4wkts Miller 164b 46r 18m.o. 1wkt and 64b 10r 10m.o. 1wkt Sewell 80b 14r 12m.o. 1wkt and 16b 2r 2m.o. 1wkt. Having mislaid the paper I cannot put in the analysis of the Sussex bowling - N.B. I have it now Jas Luillywhite 280b 103r 24m.o. 2wkts Stubberfield 160b 80r 14m.o 4wkts Filliery 24b 14r 2m.o. 1wkt 1 wide Smith 140b 61r 9m.o. 2wides Wells 16b 10r 1m.o. Ellis 32b 28r 1m.o. Jas Lilly and Stubberfield were the least hit but Stubberfield was lucky with his wickets

Drawn immensely in favour of Nottingham. Umpires Carpenter and Hayward ANALYSIS - KENT Wooton 144b - 21m.o. 85r 1 no ball & 5 wkts and 64b - 10m.o. 10r and 2 wkts Jackson 88 b - 8 m.o. 43 r - 4 wkts (only 1st innings) Tinley 52b 3m.o. 25r - 1 wkt and 68b 3m.o. 29r 4 wkts
NOTTS - Willsher 169b 17m.o. 55r 4wkts and 250b 34m.o 77r 4wkts Bennett 120b 10m.o. 55r 3wkts and 232b 1m.o 96r 4wkts Baker 28b 1m.o. 1wkt and 20b 1m.o. 11r 1 wide Fryer 20b 3m.o 2r and 92b 10m.o. 31r 1 wide 1wkt 2nd innings Mr. Kelson 24b 2m.o. 8r Wells 16b 2m.o. 7r - Goodhew 52b 6m.o. 17 r 1 wide 1 wkt - a tremendous hitting match. There was a very great difference in the 1st innings - Notts scoring 135 to Kent's 109 - Daft was magnificent in his 39 - and George a model in his 28 - Brampton carrying out his bat for a well got 35 - and Wooton actually put on 16 Willsher and Bennett bowling with great pluck - and Fryer keeping wicket remarkably well - for Kent Fryer, Willsher Burton and Mr. S. Norton played well for their runs - but the Notts 2nd innings - Kent caught a "Tartar" everybody putting on two figures R. Daft must have been worth walking miles to see over his 80 not out - one of his grand exhibitions C. Daft and George were all there - Mr. Howsin put on 24 - Brampton a rattling hand of 45 - Tinley 14 - Biddulph 11 - truly Notts is a tearing eleven - and Yorkshire may look out for squalls on the 22nd - 23rd and 24th at Bradford - Bennet, Goodhew and Burton got two figures - they had but 4 wickets to fall and nothing but the want of light saved Kent from a most frightful towelling
The figures in the above report are slightly confused
Lords June 15th 16th 17th Some fine cricket was shown - but I suspect, indeed I feel quite sure that the wicket was infamous. There was a good deal of shifting and changing in selecting sides. The United was a fearfully weak team - from the absence of the Surrey men - their full strength = M.C.C. had no right to take Hearn - and I am glad Grundy played for the United. - M.C.C. 107 and 93 Bignall 27 and 1 W. F. Traill 14 & 2 T. Hearne ditto - R.A. Mitchell 15 and 10 - R. D. Walker 21 & - 0 Hon. C.G. Lyttleton 2 Extras 17 & 2 Wickets Grundy 10 ? Reynolds 14 ?
UNITED 92 and 50 Grundy 27 and 12 - Wisden (not out) 26 & 0 C. Daft 20 & 4 - Carpenter 1 & (not out) 13 - extras 12 & 7 Wickets - R.D.Walker 7 Wooton 10 - Traill 2 M.C.C. won by 115 runs - rotten match as ever was - The United was not represented at all - in their full strength they could play the whole club
The End of This Section barring the Correction of typos and anything materially significant
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